Sunday, September 25, 2011

Yo Gabba Gabba LIVE!

Lucy's absolute FAVORITE TV Show came to Chicago Live, so we had to take her.  Wasn't quite sure how she would handle all of the kids, the loud music, the lights...but in a word she was "starstruck".  I know she loved it, not because she was dancing in the aisles or bouncing and smiling, but because she sat absolutely still on our laps and watched the whole thing.  (She has never sat this still since...or ever I suppose.)  She was totally mesmerized.

She did do little dancing before the show started...


Good-Bye Yo Gabba Gabba!  Lucy loved it.
Just wait until you see her Halloween costume though!

A Visit from RUN

Got a chance to see our good friends Run and family in town from Tokyo for the weekend!  Lucy and their little girl Yurina got to run around outside together after breakfast.  They were so cute together!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Baby Doll Stroller

One of Lucy's newest favorite things to do?  Put her baby doll in the stroller...

Push the baby doll...

Take the baby OUT of the stroller...

Throw the baby on the ground, and sit in the stroller herself.

But she'll sit there patiently and wait for you to push her.  (Yet oddly, she HATES sitting in her actual stroller.  Go figure.)

Looks like we still have some work to do if we ever want to have another baby.  
Rule number one:  We don't throw babies.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Deer Park Toy Store and ANIMALS!

We headed up to Deer Park to check out a toy store sale at Brilliant Sky Toys, which also included a small petting zoo to help celebrate their anniversary.  They had sheep, goats, a duck, a llama, a donkey, and a baby calf.  Uncle Greg, Julia, and Uncle Vince and Violet met us up.  AND we got to see Kim and Brendan!  Brendan was a champ when it came to hanging out with the animals.  Lucy, on the other hand, took quite awhile to warm up to the idea.  She wouldn't really let us put her down.  Eventually, she was wild enough to run around, until I had to prevent her from actually hitting the animals.  She kept trying to swipe at the calf's nose with her tiny little claws.  Poor cow!

We started the morning with breakfast in Glenview and sat outside.  It was a gorgeous day! 

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

My Gym on Mommy Wednesdays

We were on our way out the door to our gym class but I had to snap some pictures...she looks like she's going to school!

Almost every Wednesday I take Lucy to her My Gym class where they practice all sorts of gymnastics and encourage physical activity.  Some days we do somersaults, back flips, hang from the monkey bars, rope climbs, and even sing songs and have warm-up time.  (It's cute.)  Today we walked the balance beam...but of course the ball pit is still Lucy's favorite.

She does NOT like hanging...too funny!

After her nap on this particular Wednesday, we went for a longer walk which turned into a visit to the park.  My other baby was SUCH a good dog and just chilled in the sun while tied to a tree.  

Lucy's newest word?  Choo Choo!!!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Children's Museum

We took Lucy to the Kohl Children's Museum again.  But this time she really seemed to take advantage of everything they had to offer.  Last time she was such a new walker that all she really did was just navigate the play areas.  This time she really played!  It was adorable.

She spent some time in the simulated Dominick's grocery store and had fun putting items into her shopping cart.

Future Veterinarian?

Future Nurse?

My baby weighs "3 milk jugs"
