Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Lucy, today you are 3! You are friendly and active, silly and stubborn :) You love: hugs, kisses, saying "no", testing limits. You seem to love your sister. You talk non stop! You love to sing, and you LOVE to dance. You like Cinderella, Rapunzel, Spiderman, Buzz & Woody, Totoro, Ponyo, and pretty much any other Disney movie. You still like Yo Gabba Gabba! You love "pretend play", specifically pretending to be a cat, playing with a dollhouse, making Mommy pretend to be a horse so you can ride, making Mommy pretend to be a prince so you can dance and kiss, and you LOVE LOVE dress up! Everyday you go through at least 2-3 princess dresses, but you also seem to like pirates and super heroes. You are a picky eater. You love milk. You like juice. You love to take baths. You love to climb, run, hop and jump. You are beginning to understand and love the holidays. You still like books. You seem to listen better. You dislike taking naps. You like your iPad Daddy got you for your birthday. 

You love birthday parties and blowing candles. And to that end, we put together a little cupcake for you on your actual birthday. We sang "Happy Birthday" while Facetiming with Nana so she could sing too, and this was the very first time you were able to blow out a candle all by yourself! (Caught on camera!) And I took maybe 3 minutes to make you a little mini-Totoro cupcake topper for your special day. 
Today you are 3, and although this is very challenging for Mommy to manage, I have a feeling I will always look back on this age as the most magical. I love you SO much Baby Lucy.

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