Wednesday, February 13, 2013

First Day of Preschool

Lucy's first day of preschool came and went. She posed slightly for the picture before Jay and I drove to drop her off. (Posing with Mommy's purse.) She did really well, didn't cry, and even napped there! Mommy on the other hand, had tears welling up before even leaving the building, and then cried in the car on the way home.

But here's the thing. Lucy has never been taken care of by anyone other than family before (and a select couple of very special people for a brief blink of an eye...and even then, she was in the comfort of her own home). So this is a BIG adjustment for all of us, but one that I know is totally necessary and worth it. I want her to be with friends and play with kids her own age, and I want her to listen to and learn from a teacher. So we chose a place in the city that is VERY close (like 2 blocks away) from our work. It's basically daycare, but there is such a routine curriculum, with "teachers", recess, music class, and school pictures that it seems almost like Kindergarten! Her first day was during the week of Valentine's Day, so they celebrated "Friendship" day as they call it. Lucy brought Valentines to give to all of the other kids and wore pink. And I think she seemed to like it!

While big sis was away, Sophie snuck around and played with all of Lucy's favorite toys :) Smart girl.

And then I guess Roxy snuck around and played with all of Sophie's toys...

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