Belly Button!
One of Mommy's best friends came to visit over the weekend and we all played tourist in our sweet home Chicago. We even threw the girls in the bath together! It was SO cute!
Daddy's Girls
We ate at Harry Caray's Tavern on Navy Pier.
Suckers to entertain the girls while we waited!
Miss my Albion girls.
The last time I rode the Ferris Wheel on Navy Pier it was with Hilary YEARS ago! And Daddy has never ridden it. So we gave it a shot with one squirmy, tired girl. It was an adventure to say the least, but I knew Lucy loved it. We are going to have one adrenaline junkie on our hands when she gets older.

On their first night in Chicago, our air conditioner broke! We had to open the windows during one of the heaviest rains the city's had all year. Flash floods were all over the area, with some streets completely under water! Thankfully the air came back on overnight. And thankfully, we have really awesome and understanding friends. Through all of the "no's" and "whoops", and food on the floor, and diaper changes, and traffic, and congested tourist traps, we managed with strained patience and grace. And really in the end we just get to see each other and watch our little girls experience life. My friends are great parents, amazing friends, inspiring and resilient, beautiful people. And they always make me smile.