Sunday, March 25, 2012


I shouldn't say that it was a boring weekend, but it really was an awful boring weekend.  Lucy caught some sort of cold I guess?  She is just not herself.  She is either clingy or whiney, or a combination of the two, and we were all pretty much shut-ins the entire weekend hoping to see some sign of improvement.  The symptoms aren't terrible enough to go the doctor, but awful enough to take the sweetness out of my baby girl.  We did have fun with the new stroller attachement which converts our current stroller to a "double"...Lucy climbs in all by herself!

What little time was spent out of the house included a small walk outside, but she got to try out her new rain boots and coat!  It was sort of a dreary Saturday morning anyway...

I thought to make the day interesting we could try out her new water we put it in the bathtub Sunday afternoon to give her something to do.  I think she just thinks it's a fancy bath toy...but it makes sounds and has a little water fountain which she thought was cute for a few minutes.  At least she was able to sit in some warm water...that always makes me feel better when I'm sick.

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