Wednesday, February 23, 2011

First Steps

One Wednesday morning (Wednesday, February 23rd to be exact), I was getting Lucy ready for her first nap.  She was standing in her room holding onto the ottoman, when she must have wanted a toy across the room because she let go and took about 4 steps all on her own.  I was shocked!  She literally flew across the room, then face planted!  I knew walking was on the horizon, but I always thought her first few steps solo would be rather cautious.  This girl just took off running!  She must have learned her lesson, because every attempt after that was rather slow.  

This video was the best I could capture on camera (being that I was home alone, it was hard to set up the camera and then actually get Lucy to walk in frame).  There were a few steps she took that were much better than this, but for memories sake I thought this was a cute little video.

My little girl is growing up. 

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