Wednesday, February 23, 2011

First Steps

One Wednesday morning (Wednesday, February 23rd to be exact), I was getting Lucy ready for her first nap.  She was standing in her room holding onto the ottoman, when she must have wanted a toy across the room because she let go and took about 4 steps all on her own.  I was shocked!  She literally flew across the room, then face planted!  I knew walking was on the horizon, but I always thought her first few steps solo would be rather cautious.  This girl just took off running!  She must have learned her lesson, because every attempt after that was rather slow.  

This video was the best I could capture on camera (being that I was home alone, it was hard to set up the camera and then actually get Lucy to walk in frame).  There were a few steps she took that were much better than this, but for memories sake I thought this was a cute little video.

My little girl is growing up. 

Monday, February 14, 2011

My Little Valentine

Happy Heart Day Lucy.  You are covered in hearts!  

Daddy came home from work with this rather large gorilla for his baby girl.  I think it's his way of trying to scare away any boys.

"I always feel like someone is watching me..."

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Birthday Videos

Here's a quick scan of the room.  "Hey Daddy-O!"

"Happy Birthday To You!"

The first taste of cake.

Her Birthday Chair!


Lucy had 2 birthday outfits...her party dress, and a First Birthday shirt courtesy of Nana.  She looked so beautiful that day.

And here's the rest of the pics from the party!

Some table centerpieces using Lucy pictures from her photo session with Misha Media :)

More fun!

Our youngest guest: Cousin Emilio at just about a month old.  Welcome baby!

Best Friends and Babies.  Love these girls!

Happy Birthday Lucy


Party Favors

Cousin Henry was a big help.  He is our resident expert at opening gifts. still interested in eating the paper.  Sigh.

Lucy's birthday chair!!!  Our close family friend creates the most beautiful children's furniture and accessories.  This chair matches Lucy's bedroom.  And Lucy was so sweet when we sat her in it for the first time.  She figured out how to rock it and wouldn't get off, and then would clap for herself after she mastered it.  It was the cutest thing.


The Birthday Girl..."before"

The cake and cupcakes Mommy made.  

Blowing out the candles!  We practiced this in the weeks leading up to the big day.  Lucy knows how to blow on food if it's hot now, and she smiles when she does it (so cute), but all she wanted to do was grab the candle that day!

And here's the cake progression...

Hmmm...Do I like cake?

The "after" shot.  Pretty much all pictures from here on out, my little Lucy has buttercream grease face.  But it was worth it.

How old are you now Lucy?

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Happy 1st Birthday My Little Lucy!!!

My little one is one.  I just held her in my arms before putting her to bed and always want to remember that moment.  She smacked her lips and yawned before I laid her down.  I kissed her forehead and she was so soft, so new to me still.  She laid her head on a pillow and turned her head to the side and closed her eyes.  I love looking at her eyelashes when she goes to sleep.  She looks so much like a toddler, yet still a baby.  "You are one year new" and you will always be my baby.