Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter!

 The Easter Bunny came! 

This year was not so much about the thrill of the hunt as it was about eating the chocolate. When else will Mommy and Daddy let you eat chocolate for breakfast? :)

I love this succession of pictures...this is an entirely accurate portrayal of how these things usually go...

Night time with some Dr. Suess friends from Nana.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Let's go to the Museum!

Glad we got a membership to the Museum of Science and Industry. It's giving us time to explore. We found the whole bottom floor this time. Lucy rode a cow and a tractor. Sophie found a play area for people just her size. And Lucy got "face painting" done...on her arm. She wanted Captain America :) She sat so nice and still! I almost didn't think that would be possible. She's growing up.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Mommy Thursday: Ready for Easter

Mommy Thursdays has pretty much evolved into playing a LOT of dress up. It is her FAVORITE activity right now. But we also spent the day playing with marshmallow peeps and decorating/drawing bunnies and chicks for Easter.

She totally posed for this...Roxy is a good sport.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

"Pack Pack"

She asks to wear her coat, boots, and "pack pack" now before she leaves the house. I believe she is pretending to go to school.

Friday, March 22, 2013


In tag team with Princesses, Lucy's newest obsession is Super Heroes. She now takes Daddy's sweater vest and asks me to "put it on" her for her "cape".

And now Daddy has her climbing the walls. "Daddy, you be the Spiderman TOO!" she says.

I love that she is all decked out in full Princess attire here...and she is watching The Ultimate Spiderman cartoon on her iPad :)

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Play Day Thursday

This was my greeting at the door after coming inside from taking the dog out.

Lucy had them lined up so nicely!

Biz's Beat of the Day

Some dancing :)